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Privacy Policy


At We Do Lettings we are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The following Privacy Policy informs you of who we are, the type of personal data we collect, how and why we process personal data, our legal basis and your rights.

We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Policy from time to time or as the law requires. Amendments will be made and posted to our website. It will be your responsibility to check our Privacy Policy page periodically for these updates, and to review the changes. Your continued use of our site will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of the information provided to you in this document and of any changes.

In this document, a reference to “you” and “your” refers to any user of our website, platform and/or any other products and services provided by We Do Lettings

A reference to “we”, “us” and “our” refers to We Do Lettings Limited.

A reference to “website” or “site” refers to Our Website: owned and operated by We Do Lettings Limited.

Who Are We:

We are We Do Lettings Ltd, company number 14626391. Our registered address is 18253

Accountico Clients Birmingham

B25 9LY

What Personal Data Do We Collect About You:

We may collect the following personal information about you including, but not limited to:

Data relating to your identity such as your name, date of birth, gender, National Insurance Number (NIN), and other details available on your identification cards or documents

Your contact information such as your home address and postcode, e-mail address, home and/or mobile telephone number, business name, address and phone number

Employment Status; occupation and employment details

Financial data such as proof of income and income details, bank statements, source of funds, mortgage in principle etc. Immigration, residential, nationality and/or tax status

Transactional data such as your payment card details and billing information (if appliable)

Technical information on how you use our website such as, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), browser plug-in types and versions, time zone settings, operating system etc.

Your feedback and responses to our surveys (if applicable)

Data relating to marketing and communications including your preferences in receiving marketing material from us through different channels

Any other information that we would require to comply with Regulations such as the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations

Although it is voluntary to provide information to us, refusing to provide certain information will prevent us from providing products and services to you or to perform our duties, where a contact has been formed.

How Is Your Personal Data Collected:

Your personal data may be collected through various sources including, but not limited to:

The use of our site and advertising platforms (e.g., registering an account using your personal details). Engagement with our social media accounts (e.g., following, commenting, liking, tagging, connecting etc.) Responding to surveys or providing feedback

Requesting marketing information and market updates Requesting a valuation of your property

Information from publicly accessible sources such as Companies House or HM Land Registry Your IP address, URL, devices, browsers etc.

Enquiries that you have made about our marketed properties through other sources and third parties (i.e., Rightmove, Zoopla, On the Market etc.)

Why We Collect and Use Your Personal Data:

We collect and use your personal information in the following instances including, but not limited to:

To check and verify your identity

To comply with laws and regulations such as the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations

To contact you and communicate with you about the products and services that you have enquired about or purchased For training and monitoring purposes where calls are recorded

To create and manage your online account; enable you to register on our site whereby you can take advantage of our products and services

To allow you to engage with interactive features on our site

To allow us to manage and maintain your account and to distinguish you from other users

To prepare a valuation and provide you with a valuation reports where it has been requested by you To enable you to book viewings

To allow us to carry out our duties and obligations if we are in a contract with you

To identify whether or not a prospective buyer has the means to proceed with the purchase of the selected property To collect fees or any additional fees that may be owed to us for providing a product or service to you

To provide you with information and market updates if you have signed up and opted in for this option (refer to the Marketing section of this document)

To notify you of important changes to our products and services or policies To enhance the services that we provide on our site and platform

To conduct reviews that will enable us to make improvements and optimise our site and platform

To administer our site and platform, and for internal operations including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes

To keep our site and platform safe and secure

To review and change our marketing strategy in order to give you the best possible service in marketing your property

Our Lawful Basis for Processing Your Personal Data:

Whether you have given us your information, we have collected it, or it has been provided to us by a third party, we are required to have a

lawful basis for processing your information under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We may use your personal information in the following circumstances:

Where you have given us consent, meaning that you have given us your permission to use your information and can withdraw your consent at any time. For example:

Signing up or opting-in to receive marketing information Use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy

Where we have entered into a contract with you and it is necessary for us to be able to carry out our obligation under this contract, or to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you. For example:

To communicate with you

To provide products and services that you have either requested or purchased, such as:


Instruction to sell your property

Where it is necessary for our legitimate interest or those of a third party and doing so will not interfere with your privacy rights. For example: For administrative, business management, communications, research and analysis, record keeping, and security purposes, including but not limited to:

Providing products and services to you

Performing risk assessment and due diligence Detecting and preventing fraud

For training, communication and insurance purposes

Managing our relationship with you and notifying you of any changes to our website, policies, products and services

Using analytics to improve our website, products and services, marketing, and customer relationships and experiences Ensuring the on-going security of our website, platform, network, information etc.

Where we are legally required to do so in order to comply with statutory and regulatory obligations. For example: Complying with the Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Regulations (i.e., verification of identity)

Fraud detection and prevention

For further information about our lawful basis for processing or legitimate interests that apply to a particular way in which we use your personal data, please contact us via e-mail at


We may share your personal data with:

Any member of our corporation or company group, including our subsidiaries and holding company Third parties such as:

Our business partners, trusted suppliers or sub-contractors, analytics and search engine providers that assist us in improving our services and optimising our site and platform

Credit reference agencies to verify your identity where necessary HM Land Registry to verify ownership of properties

The buyer and the seller, their legal advisors, mortgage brokers, and/or estate agents for the purpose of the sales transaction As part of a merger, sale of a business or asset or dissolution

If we have a legal obligation to disclose information in order to comply with laws and regulations

To protect the rights, property, or safety of our company, our customers, or others; to aid a criminal investigation or for the purposes of fraud protection

To enforce or apply our Terms of Use or Seller Terms and Conditions


We may use your information to offer products and services that we think might be of interest to you. You will receive communication from us if you have requested information about a certain product or service, have purchased a product or service from us or have registered an account and have opted in to received marketing communication from us.

We may send you marketing communication via e-mail, post, telephone and/or text.

You may opt out or change your marketing preference at any time by contacting us directly or changing your marketing preferences online.

Payment Providers:

Any payments made to us by you will be processed and handled separately and securely through our service provider. If you have any questions regarding how our service providers process your personal data, you can refer to their website and review their Privacy Policy.

How We Protect and Store Your Personal Data:

We Do Lettings takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We take reasonable measures to protect any personal data in our possession and control from unauthorised access, use and disclosure by using security measures that are appropriate for this type of sensitive information. Our employees are trained and are required to abide by our Privacy Policy.

Unfortunately, however, due to the nature of the Internet, it is impossible to guarantee the security of your information. You may send information to us at your own discretion and risk. Nonetheless, once the information is received by us, we will use security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

In addition, you are responsible for safeguarding your account details that give you access to our platform, including your username and password. We ask that you keep your account details confidential and that you do not share this information with anyone.

Please note that your personal data may be transferred to, stored at, or processed at a destination outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) by us or one of our suppliers or contractors. Territories outside the EEA may not have equivalent legal protection to those that apply within the EEA. However, we take reasonable measures to ensure that all third parties operating outside the EEA take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that your data is handled securely and in accordance with this Policy. By submitting your personal data to us, you agree to our procedure of transferring, storing and processing information.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data:

We only retain your personal data for a period of time that it is necessary for us to carry out the tasks that we collected it for (e.g., providing a service to you), to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and to enforce our policies. The exact retention period for each data type varies, however, once the retention period has ended, we will safely delete and destroy the data.

Nonetheless, we aim to minimise the amount of personal data that we keep.

For further details about our retention period, please contact us via email at

Cookies and Tracking:

Like many other websites, we use “cookies” and other technologies to collect data that enable us to better understand and improve the usability, performance and effectiveness of our website. Cookies are used to allow websites to recognise a user’s device and store some information about the user’s preferences or past actions. If you do not want L to send cookies to your browser, you can set your browser option to reject cookies, however, rejecting cookies may prevent you from accessing some features of our site.

For more information on how we use cookies, please refer to and review our Cookie Policy.

External Links:

Where our website contains any links that do not belong to We Do Lettings, those external links and pages are not governed by this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read and review the Privacy Policy posted on those pages to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your personal data.

Your Rights:

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP), you have the right to find out what information we store about you. These include the right to:

Be informed about how your data is being used Access personal data (Subject Access Request or SAR) Rectification to have incorrect data updated

Request to have your data erased

Stop or restrict the processing of your data

Data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services) Object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances

Please note that you have additional rights where your data is being used for automated decision-making processes (without human involvement) and profiling, however, we do not use such systems.

How to Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or the data that we hold about you, or to request a Subject Access Request, please contact us via e-mail or in writing to the following addresses:


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